Happy New Year!
Enjoy the New Year’s greetings and Ikebana demonstration from Iemoto Akane Teshigahara.
Wishing you all a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year.

New Year's greetings

Once again, Happy New Year. I heartily hope that 2022 for you will be a wonderful year filled with joy and discovery.

Last year I was able to celebrate the 20th anniversary of my succession as Iemoto. I received many warm congratulations, words of encouragement, and messages of support from our Sogetsu friends. My heartfelt gratitude to you all. Thank you very much!

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary, I held solo exhibitions titled “CONNECT” at Sogetsu WEST in Kyoto in July and “RELEASE” at the Sogetsu Atelier in Tokyo in November. I was really happy to receive so many visitors despite the rocky situation during the pandemic. I believe that the individuality of the places, Sogetsu WEST and the Sogetsu Atelier, enabled me to realize my concepts and compositions for the exhibitions. It was a wonderful time for me to create the works while listening to the voice of the spaces and receiving the energy from them.

Despite the pandemic, it was a fulfilling 20th anniversary. I immersed myself in the plants with hope for the future while cherishing the bonds I have formed with so many people over the past 20 years. I hope to continue to be free and unrestricted in my expression.

The Sogetsu 100th anniversary is only five years away. The Sogetsu School, founded solely by Sofu Teshigahara, has grown to this level with the support of many members. Sofu’s philosophy, “Flowers become human in ikebana” is still vividly alive in the hearts of Sogetsu ikebanists. Ikebana transform flowers to personality. That’s why they become playful, interesting, sometimes mysterious, eerie, or just simply fun. I hope that each of you will experience this fascination as you are arranging flowers and pass it on to as many people as you can. If each of us keeps moving forward, even if it’s just step by step, the road to the 100th anniversary will be clear and wide open.

Ken, my son and the next Iemoto, is now working hard at the consulting firm in the New York, while learning about the Sogetsu organization as much as he can. An interview with Ken will be in the February issue of the So Newsletter. You will have more opportunities to know about him in the future. Stay tuned.

Ikebana is like a lifelong companion who is always there for you in the moment. I do hope that you will enjoy ikebana in your own way, in your own place, and with happy faces this year again.

Iemoto Akane Teshigahara

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