"What's SOGETSU?" – Toward the 100th Anniversary
Special Project: Sogetsu Learned through Video Series
Streaming site
24 Apr 2023 [mon] - 31 Aug 2023 [thu]
The Sogetsu School of Ikebana will mark its 100th anniversary in 2027.
As we approach this memorable milestone, in order for the Sogetsu School to become more lively, creative, and attractive than ever before, we will implement diverse initiatives under the theme of What’s Sogetsu?
Let’s take a look at what Sogetsu is all about from various angles, including the history of Sogetsu since its foundation, the philosophy that has shaped Sogetsu, and the curriculum that forms the basis of our creative activities.
【Streaming now!】
The 4th of videos looking back on the history of Sogetsu are being available on our online video-sharing platform now!
Please don’t miss it!
【Period】 to 24:00 Japan time, August 31st, 2023 (Thu.)
【Price】1100 yen per one

This program are open to all who are keen on learning Sogetsu Ikebana!