An online competition is held to encourage Sogetsu practitioners to revisit the art by creating  ikebana without flowers.
The competition has been divided into 3 categories: Komon to 1st Grade, 2nd to 3rd Grade ,4th Grade to students.

3 Riji teachers will judge the applied works; Mrs. Pandora Ip, Mr. Bernard Tay, and Mrs. Tsng Bee Lan. They contributed their works for examples.

Mrs. Pandora Ip/ "The traveling Breeze"
Materials: Electric fan, traveler' s palm, drinking straws
Mr. Bernard Tay/ "Dreams"
Materials: Sponge, hand crafted dream catcher
Mrs. Tsng Bee Lan/ "Scarecrow"
Materials: Bamboo, bamboo basket, white branch, caladium

Event information

01 Jun 2020 [mon] - 20 Jun 2020 [Sat]
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